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Moncurs Putting Iron 4:35 Mon Apr 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
Thanks all,

Everyone's position is different. I cannot consider retirement or semi retirement for another three years but very happy to hear from you all, My mental health position was withdrawn and over thinking but now I have clear options all of which will work, now I have to pick the one I think will work best.

I am happy I shared with you, thanks for taking the trouble.

charleyfarley 11:27 Mon Apr 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
I can echo what Soldo has said, I was lucky to 'retire'(55) early all of my boys played ice hockey, so I was able to travel all over the country with them which I wouldn't have been able to do if I was tied to work, so they certainly got the benefit. Again with the lump sum I was able to take my kids to Florida and settle a few debts
Also as Soldo has said, there is an awful lot of work out there which can give you some self-worth and make a few bob and without making too much effort I could find more than enough work to fill my whole week but happy to put in a few hours for pin money. Hopefully mate financial freedom for you and a lot of time to pursue your interests. Good Luck

Northern Sold 2:29 Mon Apr 15
Re: Anxiety/depression
MPI... was in a similar position this time last year... got offered VR which I accepted and stuck all the dosh straight into my pension... on the terms I got it allowed me to take my pensions early (55) without pens... the lump sum paid off every debt that I had ... mortgage, car loans, credit cards all paid up... for the first time since I was 16yo I was completely debt free... it's a nice feeling.... also put some money into a lifetime ISA for my daughter so when she is ready there will be £20k as a deposit. So got my monthly pension which takes care of all bills and food and still leaves me with £1k a month excess... the other handful from work that got the same deal as me all properly retired... they do fuck all .... I didn't want to be in that same situation but did not again want that master and slave routine that had the last 40 years... so I decided to help a few old girls out that needed a gardener ... started off with two... now up to a dozen... mainly maintenance but also jet washing, patios etc... probably on average 12-15 hours a week and basically the dosh earnt (prob a monkey a month) is basically my beer/going out money... worked through out the winter and even on the days when it was pissing down and freezing cold... it was still 100 times better than the last 5 years or so in my old job... in fact I was offered a contractual role part time in my old job a few months after i left.... didnt have to think twice before telling them to do one... I am one of the lucky ones... I meet up normally fortnightly with my old crowd and they look like rabbits caught in headlamps... just like I used to... best decision I ever took was getting out... can always earn a penny out there and it's far more fulfilling than it ever was before.... take the plunge and best of luck fella

Mike Oxsaw 9:48 Sun Apr 14
Re: Anxiety/depression
I took redundancy in 1992 and kept myself busy for the first few months with my l4th year OU studies. Plan was to do one of those "round the world" trips after that but that never happened as I kind of drifted into supplying IT support for local businesses, which kept me occupied for a while.

To cut out all the babble, the only advice I'd offer to people considering retiring is "find something to to - even if it's rug making or tapestry" I retired twice and got tempted back into work because there was simply nothing to hold my interest and fill my day.

Strangely enough, now I've retired for the 3rd and final time I seem to have less time to do stuff than I ever had before, but I'm not complaining.

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:00 Fri Apr 12
Re: Anxiety/depression
Mr A,

Thanks for that honest share, that is my great fear that I take the parachute payment, jump and look for meaningful work like a charity or voluntary org but they dont want me :-)

There has been some meaningful movement in one area in last 24 hours after two months of being ghosted so WHO has solved the problem.

Mr Anon 3:27 Thu Apr 11
Re: Anxiety/depression

sorry to hear that, I stupidly took voluntary redundancy few years backing think will have a bit of travel then walk into another job, was a month before COVID! watching our account go down during lockdown and worrying about losing the house was easily the most stressful time of my life.

Hope you get it sorted soon and back to winding people up in no time

Moncurs Putting Iron 3:11 Thu Apr 11
Re: Anxiety/depression

Thanks fella, it will pass, I just need to keep things simple and keep in mind this will most likely end up as an opportunity.

My immediate goals are not to let them frustrate me enough that I tell them to 'Stick their corporate flag up their arse' before I collect the bonus and redundancy package'
and to have a couple of plans for onward employment that suit my life and my solvency needs :-)

New Jersey 4:10 Wed Apr 10
Re: Anxiety/depression
Hope it all goes alright for you MPI, you've always been a solid support for me and best wishes in getting back to being an annoying chipper little cunt!!

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:59 Tue Apr 9
Re: Anxiety/depression
Hi chaps,

Not been very WHO present due to work goings on around redundancy, with a with a long lead time and a doubled workload as a parting last quarter gift.

I have options which makes me extremely lucky but picking the right one or passing up something and regretting it, well lets just say I have been withdrawn, deep in thought and not my usual happy go lucky self recently.

I have support and will rise, but not able to give a lot.

Big love to you all, as usual, here's hoping I can get some resolution and go back to being the annoyingly chipper litle cunt you know and loathe :-)

panamahat 10:33 Fri Apr 5
Re: Anxiety/depression
Haven’t been on here for a bit , so sad to hear that New Jersey , all the best in how you cope with things mate X

chim chim cha boo 8:55 Fri Apr 5
Re: Anxiety/depression
I've just popped in to say hello and see how you're doing?

Hold steady chaps, it might not feel it but spring is just around the corner, you've made it this far through another shitty winter and hopefully things will improve with a bit of sun on our backs.

I sincerely wish you all the best.

Steady 3:51 Tue Mar 5
Re: Anxiety/depression
New Jersey - your post really touched me. You’ll never meet me or likewise I’ll never probably ever get to speak to you, but sending lots of love your way, that must be the hardest thing ever to deal with.

fraser 2:57 Wed Feb 28
Re: Anxiety/depression
NJ - that's rough mate and you seem to be moving in the right direction which must take incredible strength..

All the best

charleyfarley 2:33 Wed Feb 28
Re: Anxiety/depression
As others have said NJ there are no rambles on here. So glad you have got some kind of support to help you. If there is anything we can help with please let us know

Westham67 1:37 Wed Feb 28
Re: Anxiety/depression
New Jersey 6:12 Tue Feb 20

I cannot imagine the grief you must be going through mate

So sorry for you loss buddy

Ramble away this is why this thread is pinned its for every WHOer in distress to share

lowlife 2:44 Thu Feb 22
Re: Anxiety/depression
Sorry for your loss NJ. Post as much as you want and need to on here. If it helps in any way, that's what we are all here for.

ray winstone 5:56 Wed Feb 21
Re: Anxiety/depression
My thoughts are with you NJ, sending a virtual hug X

Moncurs Putting Iron 12:39 Wed Feb 21
Re: Anxiety/depression

There is no timeline, set pattern or formula to grief. Yours is you unique to you individually and to your family as a collective.

Thank you for posting, we really must pick a game to meet up. I owe you a hug.

zico 7:49 Tue Feb 20
Re: Anxiety/depression
Best Wishes NJ, so sorry for your loss.

Pentonville 7:12 Tue Feb 20
Re: Anxiety/depression
Never forgotten NJ 🙏

Side of Ham 6:55 Tue Feb 20
Re: Anxiety/depression
.....Thank you for being brave enough to write about it as well......

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